Saturday, February 21, 2009


Each year it seems like January and February are such slow months. They seem to last forever and are so cold and dull. Well this year it has not been that way! January was over before I could really blink and now I realize that there is only one week of February left now! I guess sometimes it is good for time to fly, I really do look forward to warmer weather...but as time goes by faster, the more I realize that I need to take advantage of my life and live it to the fullest. Which at times can seem challenging. How do you fit in all the things you NEED to do to keep your world turning and still make time for the things that you WANT to do? I don't have an answer (any suggestions are welcome)...but I do know that for myself I have to take baby steps, prioritize and take a step back and enjoy the little things in life. Last week Luke bought me flowers and I have moved them all around the house so that I can enjoy them. I know it is silly, but it has brightened my days. I spent the morning yesterday cleaning my baseboards and walls, and it has been so nice to walk through my house and see it sparkling clean. I am making progress I guess...

1 comment:

Weight Family said...

I could take some serious enlightenment from this post. I guess progress does take time, but it is so hard not to see the changes immediately. Good outlook, Coz! WE NEED TO GET TOGETHER!